April 2016 League Results

The big news is we have a new internal league Club Champion in Grant Viljoen who in a move akin to Leicester City winning The Premier League has been able to break into the traditional dominance of the top 2 of Dan Wells and Alex Mackinnon.

Very well done Grant, you will notice a little star next to your name on the leagues from now on denoting you have joined the elite of world (aka. Earlsfield) sport.

A recap on all time club Championships;

Dan Wells = 3
Alex Mackinnon = 2
Grant Viljoen = 1

The participation levels last time out were very high with only a few matches not played so thanks to all members for your efforts.

The full list of league winners;

  1. Grant Viljoen (Club Champion)
  2. Dan McMahon
  3. Mike Pan
  4. Andrew Stanton
  5. Rawson Dorn (Straight
  6. Nick Cunnah (Straight victories)

We have no players leaving for the next round and 4 league members returning from injury / travels so we welcome back, Chris Rowland, Sid Smith, Pete Daw and Tom Johnson.

This gives us 40 members for the next round so there are now 8 leagues in total.

The new leagues are now updated online and will run until 10pm Tuesday 31st May. (to take into account the knock out club competition)

A reminder that for members who aren’t part of the internal leagues you would be very welcome to join.

In short there are currently 7 internal leagues with members playing each other over a 5 week period moving up and down the leagues based on your results. We have individual league winners and an internal league champion for each session.

It’s a great way to meet other members at Spencer and to improve your skills by playing a wide range of different players of a similar level in a competitive environment.

The leagues cover all levels of ability so if you do wish to be involved in the next round please e-mail me using craig.marcham@outlook.com asap (any indication of your playing level would also be useful to ensure you start in an appropriate league).