
Spencer 2016 Summer Club Championship – The Finals Day

Buying the grub for the Spencer Squash Club finals day BBQ. The food should be ready around 4pm so if you fancy a burger or hot dog please visit the club this afternoon. (We even have vegetarian sausages)! There should also be some great squash on display too! Finals day menu. Finalists should be aware that ... More

Spencer Ladies – Squash Club Championships Summer – 2016

Last Saturday, Spencer Squash Club held its annual 2016 Ladies Club Championships. As expected, there was a big crowd for this tournament and we were very pleased to enjoy a consistently high level of squash from all seven of our female entrants. Well played everybody and a huge congratulations to Angela Bonora for ... More

Spencer 1 vs Knole Park 1 (“Friendly”) – Match report

They say that there are no friendly matches at international level and this proved to be the case last night as the mighty Spencer Squash Club took on the rampant Knole Park, both teams having recently gained promotions from their respective winter seasons. Knole Park turned up slightly late (as expected) and were desper... More

April 2016 Championship

Dear Member, On behalf of the Committee I am pleased to announce that next month (April) we will be launching the Spencer Squash Club Championships 2016. Will you be crowned the 2016 Club Champion..? We see the end of the season as the ideal window to run the Club Championships, players at their peak of perfor... More